Our story
Fasadgruppen was established in 2016 through the merger of two façade companies, both of which had extensive experience from the industry and with good profitability. The idea was that the companies would continue to operate independently with continued local knowledge, commitment and competence - but at the same time be able to keep purchase prices low and offer the customer a safe pair of hands in a larger context.
1909-70: Long tradition
Fasadgruppen’s businesses have a long history of craftsmanship. STARK Fasadrenovering was founded in 1963 and AB Karlsson Fasadrenovering in 1970. The oldest of the companies in the Group, Ahlins Plåt, was founded as far back as 1909.
2016: Fasadgruppen is formed
Fasadgruppen is established through the merger of STARK Fasadrenovering and AB Karlsson Fasadrenovering with a focus on improving purchase prices.
2017-18: Expansion in Sweden
National expansion commences with a number of acquisitions in
Sweden. A range of expertise is added, all with a focus on building exteriors. Now the focus is not only on purchase prices but also on offering comprehensive solutions to customers.
2019-22: Expansion in the Nordics
Through a combination of acquisitions and organic growth, revenues rise rapidly. Fasadgruppen is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Continued consolidation of the Scandinavian façade market with expansion in Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Today: Market leader
Fasadgruppen is the clear market leader with a presence throughout the Nordics. Continuous improvement of the decentralised business model with a focus on profitable growth.

Fasadgruppen’s strategy is based on acquiring and developing local market leaders, benefiting from cooperation and economies of scale within the Group and being able to provide a sustainable and secure offering to customers.
Fasadgruppen’s business model is based on a decentralised structure that combines the entrepreneurial endeavour, proximity to customers and limited overheads of the local company with shared oppportunities to achieve economies of scale and offer comprehensive solutions to customers.
Business model
Fasadgruppen’s subsidiaries are active on the building envelope services market in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. Around 80 percent of the business is focused on renovating and upgrading properties, with the remainder on new construction.
As the leading group within façade work in the Nordic countries, Fasadgruppen supports and promotes sustainable development in our daily work.