Synergies and cooperation
Once a company has been acquired, integration commences immediately, focusing on efficient processes, without risking disruptions to day-to-day operations. The aim is to establish conditions for the new subsidiary to take advantage of the Group’s economies of scale, while continuing to develop its local market position and offering in line with established methods.
Monthly reporting
Subsidiaries report their financial results each month, along with other key performance indicators such as order backlog, and these reports are then consolidated centrally. The aim is to achieve internal comparability and complete control over the Group’s financial performance so as to ensure that our organisation is managed in the best way. Using a score card system, the subsidiaries can see how they are performing in comparison with other subsidiaries and Fasadgruppen’s financial targets. All to strengthen local entrepreneurship.
Percentage of completion method
All subsidiaries apply the percentage of completion method for long-term projects. This accounting method aims to ensure that the company reports income at an amount that corresponds to the proportion of the overall project completed.
Cash flow management
All new subsidiaries receive support in ensuring efficient cash flow management in line with Fasadgruppen’s overall goal for cash conversion.
Purchasing agreements and IT
Immediately after acquisition, all new subsidiaries are able to use the Group's central purchasing agreements with favourable commercial terms. They are also integrated into a common IT security environment and have access to best practice regarding IT tools and well-established security routines and continuity plans.
At the time of acquisition, Fasadgruppen’s Code of Conduct and whistleblower system are established, as well as policies relating to occupational health and safety, among other things. All new subsidiaries are also certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, or equivalent, which means that they meet the requirements for good control of quality and the environmental impact of their operations.
Cooperation and succession
Subsidiaries are introduced to their business area, where cooperation with country managers takes place continuously. Ongoing projects and acquisitions, cross-selling opportunities and the sharing of resources and best practice are all handled within the business area. Country managers and the CEOs of subsidiaries also ensure that there are succession plans in place at each company.

Fasadgruppen uses acquisitions to strengthen its geographical presence, service offering and expertise. Acquired companies continue to operate with a high degree of autonomy and under their own brands, while benefiting from collaboration, joint purchasing agreements and operational support functions.
M&A strategy
For many business owners, taking their life's work or that of a former family member into a new context is often a life-changing decision associated with many emotions. Fasadgruppen is founded on the true entrepreneurial spirit of two family businesses that came together to create the group, leaving its mark on all levels of the organisation.
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