Code of conduct
As the leading Group in façade works in the Nordic region, Fasadgruppen has a responsibility to conduct a responsible operation and contribute to sustainable development in our world.
Applicable for all employees, suppliers and business partners
Working committed to sustainable craftsmanship is a success factor and the starting point for all our companies in the Group. Through our core values of collaboration, commitment and competence, we offer conscious customers a personal commitment, competitive prices and safe business.
This Code is a compilation of ethical rules that that pave the way for our actions as well as the actions we expect of others. It does not replace legislation in the markets where we operate. The foundation for the Code of Conduct is our three core values, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Principles for Responsible Business (UN Global Compact), which deal with human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to show the way we act and how we expect others to act. In order to create an awareness of the Code of Conduct within the company, each manager is responsible to introduce it to all employees, new employees and suppliers.
The Code of Conduct of Fasadgruppen is not formulated to provide specific rules, but should function as an ethical compass that guides us in our actions. If you are unsure whether your decision/action is in line with the Code of Conduct, you can use the following questions:
- Is my decision/action according to applicable law?
- Is my decision/action in line with relevant points from this Code of Conduct?
- Can I be responsible for my decision/action in front of a customer, employee or manager?
- Could my decision/action be reviewed by the media without without damaging the brand?
Human rights
Our workplaces must be characterized by openness and respect where the equal value of all people is a matter of course.
- We have zero tolerance for all forms of discrimination.
- We will work for increased diversity and gender equality in all parts of the business.
- We must support and respect the UN guiding principles on business and human rights. If we are aware of the risk of violations regarding these, we must act urgently to minimize the risk.
- We must work for a healthy and safe work environment throughout our value chain by complying with work environment legislation.
- All work must be done voluntarily. No form of forced labor or work linked to any form of threat or punishment is permitted.
- Based on the International Labour organisation (ILO) definition of child labor, we must have zero tolerance for child labor and work to ensure that this does not occur in our value chain.
Working environment and working conditions
Our workplaces must be safe and secure, without any accidents. Through a good work environment, we put the employees’ health and well-being first.
- We have zero tolerance for all forms of discrimination.
- We will promote the health of employees’ and prevent injuries and illness, by working long-term to improve the work environment.
- We must work proactively to prevent accidents at our workplaces.
- We must respect employees’ right to participate in trade unions and their opportunity for collective bargaining.
- We must comply with national and local legislation and we do not accept terms of employment that conflict with these.
- In our work, we must always follow our personnel policy and our guidelines for the staff (personnel handbook).
We work for sustainable development by actively working to reduce our negative environmental and climate impact. This must be done systematically and integrated throughout the business.
- We must follow the precautionary principle regarding environmental risks.
- Our employees must be provided with relevant knowledge about about the
working tasks’ environmental impact and how they can act to reduce this impact. - We must comply with current laws and relevant environmental society requirements.
- We will actively participate in the development of products and solutions with reduced environmental impact.
- We must always comply with the environmental policy and guidelines in our work.
Anti-corruption and business ethics
We do not accept any form of corruption, bribery, extortion or money laundering and must therefore work to prevent this from happening.
- We must comply with the laws, rules and regulations that apply in the markets in which we operate.
- We must act responsibly and ethically in our business relationships.
- We must counter all forms of corruption and ensure that all employees, suppliers and business partners have an understanding that corruption is unacceptable.
- We must distance ourselves from and work to combat financial crime in our industry.
- We must strive for fair competition.
- We mustbe attentive to and manage any potential conflicts of interest that arise in the business.

Fasadgruppen was established in 2016 through the merger of two façade companies, both of which had extensive experience from the industry and with good profitability. The idea was that the companies would continue to operate independently with continued local knowledge, commitment and competence - but at the same time be able to keep purchase prices low and offer the customer a safe pair of hands in a larger context.
Fasadgruppen’s strategy is based on acquiring and developing local market leaders, benefiting from cooperation and economies of scale within the Group and being able to provide a sustainable and secure offering to customers.
Fasadgruppen’s business model is based on a decentralised structure that combines the entrepreneurial endeavour, proximity to customers and limited overheads of the local company with shared oppportunities to achieve economies of scale and offer comprehensive solutions to customers.
Business model
Fasadgruppen’s subsidiaries are active on the building envelope services market in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. Around 80 percent of the business is focused on renovating and upgrading properties, with the remainder on new construction.
As the leading group within façade work in the Nordic countries, Fasadgruppen supports and promotes sustainable development in our daily work.