Fasadgruppen strives to have an open business environment and high business ethics, and to always see the possibilities of new improvements. Our employees, customers and suppliers are our most important sources of insight into any shortcomings that need to be corrected.
Anyone who suspects impropriety, which is contrary to Fasadgruppen’s values or business ethics policy, or against the law, must be able to report their suspicions without fear of reprisals. You can choose to report information anonymously. In order to protect whistleblowers, Fasadgruppen has a Whistleblowing Policy and associated reporting function in place.
What can be reported?
- Through this system, suspicion of serious impropriety can be reported. This includes:
- financial crime such as bribery, corruption, theft, fraud and forgery, accounting fraud, and other violations of accounting and tax law,
- conflict of interest between an employee and the Fasadgruppen, or
- other serious forms of impropriety relating to the vital interests of the Fasadgruppen or the lives and health of individuals, such as serious environmental crimes, major deficiencies in workplace safety, and very serious forms of discrimination and harassment.
If the impropriety does not fall within the scope of the aforementioned, it must be reported in accordance with Fasadgruppen’s internal guidelines, policies or procedures. General complaints and dissatisfaction should not be reported through this system but rather to your immediate manager, trade union representative, or HR.
Who can report?
The reporting procedure can be used by all employees (regardless of employment form) in all of Fasadgruppen’s companies. Shareholders, volunteers, trainees, individuals who otherwise carry out work under the supervision and management of an operator, self-employed individuals, individuals affiliated with a company’s administrative, management or supervisory body, if the operator is a company, may also use the system. Suppliers, customers and the public can also use channels, but have the same protection from reprisals as mentioned above.
How is reporting done?
- Option 1: Report to a manager within Fasadgruppen’s organisation or to Group management.
- Option 2: Report anonymously through the Whistleblowing reporting tool (see below).
How are other matters reported?
Other matters such as disputes, errors, complaints, minor crimes, and harassment, bullying, dissatisfaction with salary and the like, should not be reported through this system. These matters must be reported to an immediate manager or as indicated by Fasadgruppen’s other policies, guidelines and procedures.
Reporting tool
To ensure your anonymity, a reporting tool is provided by an external and independent provider. The reporting channel is encrypted and password protected. You will never have to provide your identity if you prefer not to.
- You do not need to present evidence for your suspicion, but allegations must not be made with malicious intent nor may knowingly false accusations be made.
- It is important that you describe all the facts in the matter, including circumstances you may consider less important. Please fully elaborate your statements and attach any material that may be relevant.
Reporting channels
2Secure provides two channels for reporting: online and by phone.
Provide company code: JRD430
Online: wb.2secure.se
Phone: +46 (0)77 177 99 77
Reporting can take place in writing via the website wb.2secure.se or verbally by phone at +46 (0)77 177 99 77. You can choose to remain anonymous in both of these reporting channels. If you would like to report via an in-person meeting, this can be requested by registering a report on the website wb.2secure.se. The in-person meeting will be held by agreement either with a representative from Fasadgruppen or with Fasadgruppen’s provider of whistleblowing services, 2Secure.
When registering a new report on wb.2secure.se, you must state the company-specific code JRD430 to identify that the report is being made for Fasadgruppen. On the website, you will be asked to answer a number of questions about the matter to which the report relates. You can remain anonymous and are assigned a unique case number and password, which must be saved so that you can actively log in to the website, monitor the report and communicate with the case officer at 2Secure.
Once a report has been registered, it is processed by experienced case officers at 2Secure, who will contact Fasadgruppen’s primary contact person based on a predetermined contact list with several names. If the primary contact person is the subject of the report, another person on the contact list will be informed. It is always Fasadgruppen who ultimately assesses the report and decides what measures are to be taken.
When reporting orally, you have the right to control and correct potential errors in your report. As you report a case by phone you will receive login information to follow your case on wb.2secure.se. If you wish to control and possibly correct your report after registration, this can be requested through the web portal. You can also choose to sign the protocol of your report by requesting this in the web portal. An administrator from 2Secure will coordinate this. If you choose to sign the protocol from your registration, this means that 2Secure becomes aware of your name / identity. 2Secure protects your anonymity and will not disclose this information to the company. You can thus, even if you wish to sign the protocol from your registration, remain anonymous to Fasadgruppen.
In addition to reporting to Fasadgruppen's internal whistleblower channel, you can report externally to a competent authority within a specific area of responsibility or to one of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies. The following authorities have been appointed as competent authorities and established external reporting channels: Swedish Work Environment Authority, National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, National Electrical Safety Board, Swedish Economic Crime Authority, Swedish Estate Agents Inspectorate, Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, Inspectorate of Strategic Products, Health and Social Care Inspectorate, Swedish Chemicals Agency, Swedish Consumer Agency, Swedish Competition Authority, Swedish Food Agency, Medical Products Agency, The county administrative boards, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority, Government Offices, Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors, Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish Forest Agency, Swedish Gambling Authority, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Board of Agriculture, Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and Swedish Transport Agency. Go to the website of the Swedish Work Environment Authority for a summary of each authority's area of responsibility and contact details: https://www.av.se/om-oss/visselblasarlagen/extern-rapporteringskanal/lista-over-myndigheter-med-ansvar-enligt-ansvarsomrade-enligt-forordning-2021949/

Fasadgruppen was established in 2016 through the merger of two façade companies, both of which had extensive experience from the industry and with good profitability. The idea was that the companies would continue to operate independently with continued local knowledge, commitment and competence - but at the same time be able to keep purchase prices low and offer the customer a safe pair of hands in a larger context.
Fasadgruppen’s strategy is based on acquiring and developing local market leaders, benefiting from cooperation and economies of scale within the Group and being able to provide a sustainable and secure offering to customers.
Fasadgruppen’s business model is based on a decentralised structure that combines the entrepreneurial endeavour, proximity to customers and limited overheads of the local company with shared oppportunities to achieve economies of scale and offer comprehensive solutions to customers.
Business model
Fasadgruppen’s subsidiaries are active on the building envelope services market in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. Around 80 percent of the business is focused on renovating and upgrading properties, with the remainder on new construction.
As the leading group within façade work in the Nordic countries, Fasadgruppen supports and promotes sustainable development in our daily work.