Become a part of Fasadgruppen
For many business owners, taking their life's work or that of a former family member into a new context is often a life-changing decision associated with many emotions. Fasadgruppen is founded on the true entrepreneurial spirit of two family businesses that came together to create the group, leaving its mark on all levels of the organisation.
As an entrepreneur in Fasadgruppen, you get access to a strong community of competent entrepreneurs with a wide network of contacts. But that's not all. Joining Fasadgruppen gives you a range of benefits to help you take your business to the next level.
The Fasadgruppen business model means that the acquired companies continue to operate as before, but with economies of scale such as lower material costs and resource sharing within the group. In addition, Fasadgruppen offers supporting functions such as purchasing, HR, financial reporting and other central functions that can help develop your business.
Some of the specific benefits of joining Fasadgruppen include:
- Lower purchase prices: by leveraging the purchasing power of Fasadgruppen, you can reduce your material costs and thus increase your profitability.
- Cross-selling: By co-operating with other companies within Fasadgruppen, you can find new business opportunities and expand your offer to customers.
- Best practice sharing: Being part of Fasadgruppen gives you access to a large pool of knowledge and experience from other entrepreneurs. This can help you solve problems and bring new ideas to your business.
- Key features: Fasadgruppen offers a range of support services that can relieve you of administrative tasks and allow you to focus on your core business.
For more information, please contact:
Daniél Bergman, Head of M&A
Tel. +46 (0)76 301 85 67

Fasadgruppen uses acquisitions to strengthen its geographical presence, service offering and expertise. Acquired companies continue to operate with a high degree of autonomy and under their own brands, while benefiting from collaboration, joint purchasing agreements and operational support functions.
M&A strategy
Once a company has been acquired, integration commences immediately, focusing on efficient processes, without risking disruptions to day-to-day operations.
Synergies and cooperation