Board of Directors

Ulrika Dellby
Chair of the Board
Born 1966. Chair since May 2022 (Board member since May 2020 and in companies within the Group since 2019). Chair of the remuneration committee, member of the audit committee.
Principal education: MSc, Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.
Other relevant current positions outside Fasadgruppen: Vice Chair of BICO Group AB, Board member of Lifco AB, Linc AB, Elanders AB, Werksta, Arjo AB, Dramaten and IVAs Näringslivsråd.
Experience: Partner Fagerberg & Dellby Fond I AB, Partner Boston Consulting Group, CEO Brindfors
Enterprise IG. Deputy Chair Norrporten. Board member of Cybercom Group and Kavli Holding A/S. Founder and Chair Hello World! Ideell Förening.
Shareholding in Fasadgruppen: 70,000 shares (through a company).
Independent in relation to the Company, the senior management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Gunilla Öhman
Born 1959. Board member since June 2020. Member of the audit committee.
Principal education: MSc, Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.
Other relevant current positions outside Fasadgruppen: Advisor and owner of Carrara Communication AB. Head of IR for NCAB Group AB (publ) and Nimbus Group AB. Board member of Atvexa AB, Titania Holding AB and Dentalum Group AB.
Experience: Former Director of Communications for the SEB Group, Sweden’s Riksbank and the Deposit Guarantee Board. Former Board member of Hoist Finance AB (publ), SJ AB, Oatly AB and AMF Fonder AB.
Shareholding in Fasadgruppen: 5,200 shares (through a company).
Independent in relation to the Company, the senior management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Magnus Meyer
Born 1967. Board member since May 2024. Member of the remuneration committee.
Principal education: MSc Engineering and Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Other relevant current positions outside Fasadgruppen: Chairman of the board of directors of HiQ International AB, board member of Kinnarps AB, Slättö Förvaltning AB, Vasakronan AB, Coor Service Management Holding AB, Infranord AB, Fagerhult Group AB and MW Group AB.
Experience: Head of Group and CEO of WSP Europe and Tengbomgruppen AB, Managerial positions in GE Real Estate and Ljungberggruppen AB.
Shareholding in Fasadgruppen: -
Independent in relation to the Company, the senior management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Cristina Lindbäck
Born 1963. Board member since May 2021. Member of the audit committee.
Principal education: LL.M., Stockholm University.
Other relevant current positions outside Fasadgruppen: Director of Sustainability and Communication for the Ahlsell Group. Board member of IQ Samhällsbyggnad and Board member of Stockholms Byggnadsförening. Board member of Axfoundation and member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
Experience: Previously Head of Sustainability at the NCC Group, Environment and QA Manager at Ragn-Sells AB, Assistant under-secretary at the Department of the Environment and Chair of Miljömärkning Sverige AB.
Shareholding in Fasadgruppen: 2,500
Independent in relation to the Company, the senior management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Tomas Ståhl
Born 1971. Board member since July 2018. Chairman of the audit committee, member of the remuneration committee.
Principal education: MSc, Economics, Lund University.
Other relevant current positions outside Fasadgruppen: Board Member and CEO of Connecting Capital Holding AB and posts with several Connecting Capital Holding AB subsidiaries. Board member of United Power AB, VA Nordic AB, El-Björn AB, AB Nesel and AB Axag.
Experience: Previously CFO for companies such as LBI International and Traction. Auditor Arthur Andersen.
Shareholding in Fasadgruppen: 400,000 shares (through a company).
Independent in relation to the Company and the senior management. Not independent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders since Tomas is employed by Connecting Capital who owns more than ten percent of all shares and votes in the Company.

Mats Karlsson
Born 1973. Board member since May 2023.
Principal education: High school diploma
Other relevant current positions outside Fasadgruppen: Board member of KFAB Förvaltning and Kulturkonsulterna i Småland AB.
Experience: Between 2000-2021, Mats Karlsson was CEO of AB Karlssons Fasadrenovering, which together with STARK Fasadrenovering formed Fasadgruppen in 2016. He has more than 25 years of experience in the façade industry.
Shareholding in Fasadgruppen: 1,998,704 shares (through a company).
Not independent in relation to the Company and the senior management as he has been employed by Fasadgruppen within the past three years. Independent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders.